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thank you




what your real name


Lol it's Evie


I liked it!
a bit short and would like more content but tis pretty cool for what it is

is the game with the same name minus "duels of arcana erotica" ment to be a more complete version of this? got yet to play it haha


it's kind of a reboot. It's not an adult game and I'm working solo on it with commissioned help from friends. But it's 3D, third person, and will feature an explorable island. I'm really excited about it and all the new characters and hope you like it when I release a playable build!

Thank you for playing this little jam Crow and I did together. We had a lot of fun ❤️

I'm posting updates for the new game @Magefight on Twitter and in our Discord which you can get to through our website


will be looking into it haha

it wont work for me unfortunately i started the game and the "round 1" screen wont go away


I believe you press spacebar to continue! Sorry about the confusion.


this take a long time to load

Is there no Android version yet

This is a computer game.

OK,thank you

(1 edit) (+2)

It was a really nice little game
I loved it a lot even if it was short
I hope this game will be expanded into a longer and a better game ^-^ 

A little side not is that I would put a furry tag to this game, cuz well, these are furries after all  XD
But its up to you to put the tag in, tho it would make it easier to find awesome games like this with a tag like that  :)

Glad you enjoyed it, and that it a really good suggestion! Should've been there from the beginning.


This have a shining future, I can fell it~

Aww thank you Redyscom! I certainly hope so 😜

Check out or @MagefightGame on twitter ;)

(1 edit) (+2)

Good game!

The only thing is that when your fighting you can easy just walk back and forth or side to side to win every match. I´m hoping your going to make some more battle sequences because it´s some what a short game.

But its a good game i´ll give you that.


Thank you so much for playing! We only had a single month to make it and were crunching hard at the end to get it out at this quality, but it was worth it!

I'd love to expand on this release of the game and add some more things. We'll just have to see what we can get to.

Thank you so much again. Means a lot. :)